

Virtual salesman
West European markets are the
benchmarks for Central and Eastern

Europe markets concerning online travel dynamic developments. Since several years western Europe is accustomed
to direct online sales of travel packages, in our region this trend is growing among travel suppliers.
The main reason for this internet upsurge in e-tourism services are: larger internet penetration among the population,
increasing travel offers, larger needs for lowering distribution and sales costs and finally, increasing demand for user friendly tools in comparing offers. Observing the west and eastern markets, one
should guess that the world wide web is already impacting the travel industry and this, is only the begining. (p. 12)

Meetings Planner
- Friend of Foe?

Inside international corporate organizations as well as in quite a lot of subsidiary offices over the country, one will probably find a person in charge of meeting planning. Meeting Planners are to be found at...

Restauracja 7/2007, SUMMARY
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